

孔子学院(英文:Confucius Institute),是中国国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室在世界各地设立的推广汉语和传播中国文化的机构。


截至2018年12月,中国已在154个国家和地区建立548所孔子学院和1193个中小学孔子课堂  ,现有注册学员210万人,中外专兼职教师4.6万人。 


Confucius Institute is an institution established by the Office of the National Leading Group for the International Promotion of Chinese Language in China to promote Chinese language and disseminate Chinese culture around the world.           

The most important task of Confucius Institute is to provide standardized and authoritative modern Chinese textbooks for Chinese learners all over the world, and to provide the most formal and main channel of Chinese teaching. In 2004, the world's first Confucius Institute was officially established in Seoul, South Korea.            

As of December 2018, China has established 548 Confucius Institutes and 1139 Confucius Classrooms in 154 countries and regions, with 2.1 million registered students and 46,000 full-time and part-time teachers at home and abroad.            

Since the establishment of Confucius Institute, Sharelogis Group Beijing office has been providing global logistics services to transport books, equipment, tables and chairs needed by Confucius Institutes from China to the door.            

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